Tarot Reader Certificate Program
Starts May 10th, 2025
On-Demand & Live Online Classes
Deepen your competency in reading the Tarot through a Jungian Lens
This certificate program will help sharpen your skill in utilizing the ancient and beautiful oracle—the Tarot. It is designed for you to share Tarot readings with friends, read Tarot for others to help them develop their potential, or to add the Tarot as an adjunct to an already thriving coaching or counseling practice.
This extensive program is led by Jungian Analyst Kenneth James, who is a masterful teacher and a magnificent Tarot Reader. The program consists of theory, exercises, practice, and reflection.
Each module includes one or more on-demand videos and a live class of three hours. Before each module, please watch the on-demand video(s), and feel free to bring any questions to the live class.
The certificate program on Tarot reading is grounded in Jungian Psychology, that is, work with the Tarot is viewed primarily from this perspective. The program will, therefore, cover critical Jungian concepts such as the Ego-Self axis, the transcendent function, the relationship between complexes and archetypes, synchronicity, and how quantum physics elucidates the often misunderstood qualities of the psyche.
Jung Platform hosts two other programs on the Tarot taught by Kenneth James. These programs address the basics of understanding the Tarot from a Jungian perspective. This certificate course, however, will provide deeper insights into the cards and develop competency in reading the Tarot for others within a consultative setting.
Why Tarot reading on Jung Platform?
Analytical Psychology, the psychological discipline founded by C.G. Jung has always drawn upon a wide range of resources to help people enrich their lives both in the world and within themselves. Myth, religion, divinatory systems, art, culture, social sciences, physical sciences, philosophy, music, and dance are among the domains explored by those interested in the soul’s life as understood by Analytical Psychology.
The Tarot, a system of divination with a long tradition, utilizes rich esoteric symbolism which can be employed to depict human psychological states and better understand them. Each card has almost countless interpretations. When placed in combination with other cards in arrays known as “spreads,” the Tarot can be used to guide the sincere seeker to attain insight and guidance about many life circumstances.

Although there are many Tarot decks available for use, in this program we will use the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) deck as the foundation for instruction and reading. There are many reasons for this decision, but the most pragmatic is that this will allow a significant amount of sharing of interpretations, as well as opportunities for program participants to read for each other. Having a common deck as a reference facilitates discussion and sharing of amplifications of interpretations, thus deepening our relationship to the dimensions of the psyche which the Tarot symbolizes.
Program Overview
Please note: The live classes are three hours long. The live webinars start at 7:00 AM PT / 10:00 AM ET (U.S. time zones) and 4:00 PM Central European Time.
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In this first module, we will review the basics of the Tarot in the context of a shared discussion among the participants. The course will use the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) version of the Tarot deck as the foundational deck for instruction and readings. We will review the basic structure of the Tarot deck, and participants are encouraged to bring Tarot decks other than the RWS to discuss the strengths and challenges presented by each deck. Participants will be asked to do preliminary two- and three-card readings for selected “clients” drawn from the module, including the teacher. These readings will form the basis for discussion of technique as well as dimensions of interpretation. Assignments for the upcoming month will be given.
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In the second module, we will explore the structure and dynamics of the psyche from a Jungian perspective and examine the ways the Tarot reflects these elements. We will also explore the relationships between synchronicity and the Tarot through readings and discussion. Direct instruction in doing “vertical” and “horizontal” three-card readings, including the Past-Present-Future spread, the Overview-Challenge-Action spread (horizontal) and the Conscious-Issue-Unconscious, and the Issue/Challenge-Internal and External Resources spread (vertical), will be given. A four-card Body-Mind-Spirit-Action reading will also be presented. Opportunities for guided practice in using these spreads will be included, and a “lab” session will be provided for small groups of participants to read for each other with input from the teacher. Assignments for the upcoming month will be given.
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In the third module, we will study the Jungian concept of the Transcendent Function. We will look at Jung’s definitions of the transcendent function and explore how the Tarot can be understood as an example of the activity of the transcendent function. We will also examine Jung’s teachings on psychological types, and how typology can be integrated with the Tarot. The relationship between the intuitive function and consulting the Tarot cards will be examined. We will also discuss the role of the “question” in the context of a Tarot reading, as well as explore the difficulties and benefits in formulating meaningful and open questions. The Celtic Cross, a foundational spread in the world of Tarot, will be presented, and opportunities to read the “cross” portion of the Celtic Cross will be provided in the large group and in smaller “breakout” groups, with the teacher’s input. A discussion regarding the ethics involved in Tarot work will be initiated, which will be continued in subsequent sessions. We will also have another lab session. Assignments for the upcoming month will be given.
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In the fourth module, we will continue learning how to use the full ten-card Celtic Cross spread in work with clients. There will be opportunities for demonstration and practice. We will also engage in an in-depth exploration of the Major Arcana, including controversies that have been part of the historical analysis of the Major Arcana. The relationship between the Major Arcana and the paths on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life will be covered. Also, guidelines and examples for the upcoming Tarot Salon assignment will be presented, in this fourth module. Continued discussion on ethics and practical aspects of reading Tarot for clients will be held. Assignments for the upcoming month will be given.
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In modules 5-7, each participant will present two Tarot readings that they have given to clients/friends outside the program. These presentations will be evaluated by the instructor according to a set of rubrics given in class. Each reading will include a three-card spread and a Celtic Cross spread. These Salon reading presentations will consist of three parts.
Part One: A brief, general, and non-identifying description of the querent, including age level, gender, previous experience of the client with Tarot, either as a reader or a querent, and a description of the question or concern that the querent brought to the reading.
Part Two: A listing of the cards that appeared in each spread. If possible, a photograph of each spread would be helpful.
Part Three: A description of how the reading progressed. This can be an exact transcript of the reading, or a prose description of your interpretations of the cards and the responses from the querent. If you received any feedback from the querent, include that in your presentation.
Following each presentation, the rest of the group will have opportunities to ask questions about the reading, and to offer other reflections about the interaction. This discussion portion of the presentation is not evaluative, but participatory in a helpful and positive way.
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Tarot Salon Presentations and small group reading practice (with instructor feedback).
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Tarot Salon Presentations and small group reading practice (with instructor feedback).
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In this final module of the certificate program, participants will explore the use of other Tarot decks as a means of amplifying the deck(s) you are most comfortable using. The differences between Tarot decks and other oracle decks will be considered, and the practice of combining Tarot and other oracles will be explored. Participants are encouraged to bring their favorite decks to the live session of this module, and there will be opportunities to show the deck and discuss why it numbers among each participant’s favorite set of decks.
Evaluation of Tarot Reading skills
- Presentation of two clients’ or friends’ readings in a Tarot Salon session will be viewed as a demonstration of each participant’s competency in Tarot reading.
- Get 3 peer reviews of tarot reader competency list and a self-evaluation. The competency list will be shared with you during the course.

This certificate program is ideal if
You want to become skillful in reading the tarot.
You want to do tarot readings for friends or others to help them develop their potential, or if you want to add the Tarot as an adjunct to an already thriving coaching or counseling practice.
You have a wish to deepen your competency in working with the rich symbolism of the Tarot.
You have an interest in Jungian psychology.
How you will benefit
Fluency in reading the tarot for others, among which is the Celtic Cross spread.
Ability to work with symbols in the tarot (and general) as you will view these symbols as potentially containing clues about your personal development journey.
If you are a coach, a therapist, or another type of healer, this certificate program can add new dimensions to your work and its effectiveness.
Feeling grounded in Jungian psychology in relation to the Tarot.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Conduct Tarot consults using the 3-card spread and the Celtic Cross.
Integrate Tarot readings into your work with others.
Foster and facilitate transformational processes in yourself and others.
Ground Tarot readings in a broader Jungian perspective.
Deepen awareness of inner and outer structures using the Tarot.
Cultivate a deeper consciousness embracing the ancient wisdom of the Tarot.
Application Process
- Send an application letter and CV to Jung Platform. We will evaluate both and get back to you if you have been accepted.
- In your application letter, please provide a self-evaluation of your current tarot reading skills and experience.
- If you have any other questions, please connect with us: [email protected].

Ken James
Kenneth James, Ph.D. is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Chicago, Illinois. He is the founder and director of The Soulwork Center, dedicated to facilitating the process of individuation according to the teachings of C.G. Jung and other contributors to the field of Analytical Psychology.
Dr. James received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University and a Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago. Along the way, he studied voice at the American Conservatory of Music and learned a modality of music therapy at the Institute for Consciousness and Music in Baltimore, Maryland. He also completed four years of post-doctoral study in theology and scripture at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He has taken lay ordination in Zen Buddhism and has studied the Kabbalah with a Lubavitcher rabbi in Chicago.
Ken’s studies of the Tarot began at an early age. He was introduced to the notion of divination by an elderly aunt from Scotland who read tea leaves. Coincidentally, he purchased his first Tarot deck in his late teens from a Scottish woman in a store on State Street in his home town of Chicago. Formal study of the Tarot, as well as astrological studies, were continued at The Astrologer’s Medium, an esoteric store that operated in Chicago during the 70s and 80s of the previous century.
Dr. James has led workshops around the world on the relationship between divination and synchronicity, and on the use of the Tarot to explore the unconscious. The synthesis of Jungian thought, clinical practice, and the numinous has been a strong motif throughout his career.