David Rottman

David Rottman is past president and chairman of the board of directors of the C.G. Jung Foundation of New York, and a member of the Jung Foundation‘s Continuing Education Faculty. His seminars on psychology and human motivation have received wide acclaim in the United States, Canada, Ukraine, and Russia, where he has supervised and trained counselors and therapists. In his private practice and through lecturing and teaching, David Rottman has been helping people benefit from C.G. Jung’s ideas for more than 35 years. He has analyzed more than 7,000 dreams, bringing an innovative approach to uncover their meaning and contributing to life-changing experiences for hundreds of individuals.

He has taught more than 40 courses on topics including: a comprehensive approach to understanding the human psyche; dreams; love and relationships; work and careers; complexes; anxiety; self-expression and creativity; self-renewal; and the positive dimensions of the unconscious. Mr. Rottman has a Masters in Applied Psychology from New York University. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul, available on Amazon.

Courses and Lecturesby David Rottman

5 Class Course