A soul inspired journey to renewal
When we approach new beginnings inspired by the soul, we are invited to a deeper relationship with life. Living in alignment with the soul asks us to embrace both joy and necessary suffering. Change, like the rhythm of nature, is a law of life. Nothing is fixed; everything moves, grows, and evolves. To live soulfully, we are called to lean into these rhythms of letting go of the old to make space for renewal.
The soul’s path of transformation
Transformation is an invitation to shifting from one psychological state to another, or even experiencing a change of identity. Mythologically speaking, it means the end of one storyline and the birth of another.
The concept of death and rebirth is universal. It is found in different myths and spiritual traditions. Psychologically, this pattern appears in moments of great change like the end of a relationship, a career transition, or even an existential crisis. And sometimes transformation happens as a desire for change that comes with a new year or milestone birthday.
Carl Jung once said, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” For me, this quote captures the essence of transformation. True renewal isn’t about escaping into an idealized vision of perfection. It’s about confronting the aspects of ourselves we would rather avoid. Can we make room for the parts of us that have remained hidden in shadow?
Letting go
To make room means to let go of the old. But letting go is often experienced by the ego -our sense of I- as a death. The ego usually resists such shifts at first. But surrender is essential for the emergence of a renewed self. Transformation can be seen as an act of becoming whole. We are invited to let go of a narrow, self-centered identity. It asks us to surrender to greater forces within the psyche.
The dark night of the soul, as Thomas Moore describes, “saves you from being stuck in your small life.” When we are stripped of ego defenses we are invited to reassess what matters most. In this threshold experience the old has gone and the new has not yet emerged. It’s akin to the chrysalis stage in a butterfly’s transformation. Suspended between the known and the unknown, we may feel vulnerable, uncertain, or even fearful. While painful, this dark night of soul offers the opportunity to reconnect us with the guiding center within (what Jung called the Self).
The final stage of transformation can be seen as ‘rebirth’. We emerge renewed, carrying with us a fresh perspective and a deeper connection to our soul. We might experience a new sense of identity or a shift in our philosophy of life. We might have a different relationship with ourselves and with others.
Transformation arises when we engage fully with life’s experiences: joy, suffering, the mystery. When we allow our life to be shaped by something that is larger than ourselves it’s up to us to follow the hints and clues. We can pay attention to our dreams, synchronicities, our symptoms etc.
A client’s experience
One of my life coaching clients came to me during a period of transition. She had ended her 30-year marriage amicably, parting on good terms with her former husband. However, she was now gripped by a fear of spending the rest of her life alone. She found herself in an in-between phase—her old life was behind her, but the new had yet to take shape. This is often when fear and uncertainty surface.
As we reflected on her life so far, she recognized that much of her identity had been tied to her roles as a wife and mother. She had devoted herself to caring for her family and home, roles that came naturally to her. However, now she felt a new, unfamiliar pull: a longing to live more passionately, embrace her creative side, and surround herself with beauty. This desire felt vibrant and alive, but it also left her uncertain. How could this newfound passion coexist with the romantic relationship she also hoped for?
She surrendered and paid closer attention to her dreams. In her dream she was an art teacher in a school and she was introduced to the literature teacher, who she found attractive.
She took this dream as a suggestion to focus on creativity and self-expression, and by doing that she would be on the path of a potential partner. We cannot be certain whether the dream was pointing to an external partner or a connection with an inner aspect of herself. However, to her it revealed that the seemingly incompatible desires could coexist harmoniously. She felt supported from within to continue walking her path facing the unknown….
Learn to release old patterns, embrace change, and align with your true purpose in the course Soul Inspired New Beginnings with Jung Platform founders Machiel and Akke-Jeanne Klerk. You will gain practical knowledge to guide you toward transformation and new possibilities. To learn more and sign up click HERE.

Akke-Jeanne Klerk
Akke-Jeanne is Jung Platform’s co-founder & Jungian Coach. Her background consists of a Master’s in Psychology, and several years of training in Jungian Analysis. She is the author of ‘Psychology of Heartbreak’ (in Dutch) and has offered trainings on coaching for over a decade.
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