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Craig Chalquist

Craig Chalquist

Craig Chalquist

Craig Chalquist, Ph.D., Ph.D. is a depth psychologist, philosopher, and storyteller with a background in Family Systems Therapy. He chairs the Consciousness, Psychology, and Transformation program at National University and has taught at several graduate schools, including the California Institute of Integral Studies and Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has also presented at various Jungian institutes and societies. His interests include: storytelling, depth psychology, terrapsychology and presence of place, ecopsychology, and enchantivism and deep systemic change. These various interest areas are reflected in his many publications and lectures.

Courses and Lecturesby Craig Chalquist


Engage The Shadow

10 Class Course
Sale Codependence; How to Identify and Heal
5 Class Course
Early Bird Sale
Finding Guidance Summit

Finding Guidance Summit

Finding Guidance Summit
11 Class Course

Jung at the Workplace

5 Class Course
5 Class Course

Best Practices in Psychotherapy

5 Class Course
6 Class Course
4 Class Course
Sale Jungian Psychology for a Soulful Life Summit
12 Class Course

Articlesby Craig Chalquist

Jung’s Invisible Church

“No individual can exist without individual relationships, and that is how the foundation of your church is laid.” These haunting and challenging words come from Jung’s Black Books, his research…

Trickster Goes Cosmic – Again

Well, the Trickster has done it again. Just when you think your trousers are ready to fasten, Trickster sneaks up and pulls them down to your ankles.  In my five-session…