Malidoma Somé
Malidoma Patrice Somé (1956–2021) was born in Burkina Faso, West Africa. In his native language, Malidoma means “be friends with the stranger”. A gifted medicine man of the Dagara tribe, he held three master’s degrees and two doctorates, from the Sorbonne and Brandeis.
He is the author of ‘Of Water and the Spirit’ and ‘The healing wisdom of Africa’. He was a representative and storyteller of the African Wisdom tradition.
Courses and Lecturesby Malidoma Somé
5 Class Course
4 Class Course
Articlesby Malidoma Somé
On Gift and Life Purpose
It is inconceivable that we humans could be in this world for no reason. There is no way we and our purpose can be ignorant of, or completely alienated from each other like twins…