I have found that when people open their curious mind, something more unfolds. Curiosity invites creativity and, too, imagination. You access something beyond, Intellectual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence. As important as each of the modes of learning are to successfully navigate the world of today, Imaginal Intelligence is the needed resource to discover a better tomorrow. Reconnecting with your Imagination Intelligence opens your authentic calling, your true life-purpose. Imaginal Intelligence is alive in each of us. It is part of our psychological/emotional inheritance.
Increasing your Imaginal Intelligence is not hard to do. In fact, as you get increasingly curious, imaginal intelligence increases. Taking time to cultivate this wellspring of creativity and well-being begins with bringing fifteen minutes of attention each day to the following praxis. The benefits that you will experience are increased awareness, a lessening of agitation and isolation, and a more joyful way of being. In just a short time your sense of wonder reawakens, and you experience more flow in life.
Reconnecting to your Imaginal Intelligence — Getting Started
1) Unplug from the tasks of everyday routine, breathe and slow down.
2) For fifteen minutes open your senses to the world around you (inside or outside).
3) Notice what captivates your attention, small or large.
4) Follow what you notice – become present.
5) As you greet the visitation, notice how you are welcomed in return.
Repeat this praxis for five days. Your creative life and your imaginal intelligence will increase. Your body/mind/soul will love you for doing so.
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Stephen Aizenstat
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., has devoted his life to understanding the profound wisdom and healing power that exists within each of us. He is Founding President of Pacifica Graduate Institute.
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