Let your wandering lead you to your soul.
Jungian psychotherapist Robert Romanyshyn explores standing in aloneness with the sure kindness of a wise man. He softly reminds us we are all orphans, cut off from soul and the miracle at the heart of the world.
At the same time, he calls us to join the campfire. Stories of being lost and finding home in unexpected places are being shared here.
Put down your burden and break bread with a fellow pilgrim. Then take up the path to home and soul with new strength and a joyous heart.
Come sit for a spell with Robert.
3 Class Course
+/-30 min
What you will receive
6 Video & 6 Audio recordings
Access to your own Jung Platform account where all the content you've purchased will be stored.
Course Description
Robert Romanyshyn approaches the soul through the senses, through gesture, mood and image. His sense of beauty, rightness and confusion, come from the stretch between what we can’t quite touch yet and what we’re smack in the middle of. Robert’s sense of individuation is that we are always on the road and we are always coming home.
In this short course Robert warms us to the work as he shares three stand-alone stories of his trips into the anguish and marvel of the moment. In “The Threshold”, we hear how Robert met an unexpected guide in a French village. Next, as Robert tells “The Orphan ” we might feel a strange brotherhood with the monster Frankenstein, disowned by his creator. Lastly, as we hear the barks of seals in a rookery, we’ll be drawn upward on a shaft of light in “The Forgotten Gift.”
Here are some moments from the talk:
“We individuate by breakdowns that break through something else. The obstacles that are put in our way break us apart. When this happens we’re being asked to gather the pieces up again in another way.”
“The landscapes of the world and the landscapes of the soul are two sides of one coin. The seasons of nature will also be seasons of the soul. We’re trying to recover something that we once knew, but have forgotten and forgotten we have forgotten.”
Note: This favorite class from the “Life as a Soul Journey” conference has been remastered to stand alone.
In the bonus part, Robert shares 9 photos from his treks in the world. He prompts us to find how the outer scenes awaken our inner landscape. Participants who attended the conference shared what the images moved within them.
The classes are available now.
This course is ideal if
- Renew your sense of wonder at the magic of the world.
- Be urged to remember the gift of consciousness.
- Get close to the warmth of a seasoned pilgrim.
- Recognize poetic hints about how to find your soul in the world.
Course Overview
Class 1. Vessels to take us home 20 minutes
As Robert lights the campfire, he offers different ways of imagining our work together.
He offers this moment as an opportunity to newly imagine the events of your life, to get a glimpse of the patterns that have woven together who you are and who you are meant to be. This is part of individuation. While he reminds us that individuation is not easy, he also assures us that coming home to yourself can become a coming home to the world.
Class 2. The Creative pilgrimage 24 minutes
In this segment Robert explains that destiny is a fate that has been consciously engaged in. We need to glance backward, gather up the pieces and realize the possibilities that are still unfolding.
With personal anecdotes, Robert invites us to experience the miracle that lies in the heart of the mundane.
Class 3 – part 1: Stories of Homecoming: The Threshold 15 minutes
Robert tells the story of a routine walk in a small French village that took an unexpected bend.
Class 3 – part 2: Stories of Homecoming : The Orphan 15 minutes
Robert shares warnings from his Frankenstein prophecies about the state of our soul. We gain sympathy for the monster and reconsider our rejection of him. Frankenstein might be holding something of value for us.
Class 3 – part 3: Stories of Homecoming: The Forgotten Gift 15 minutes
In this segment Robert descends to the smells and sounds of a seal rookery. He shares how our origin in the instinctual realm is pierced by the light of consciousness.
Bonus video: Landscapes of the world as landscapes of the soul: 9 images 1 hour
In this bonus hour Robert shares his own fotos of special places in the world. Participants who attended the conference shared what emotions the images stirred within them.
By the end of this course you will
- Describe the hidden purpose of losing one’s mind and finding the soul;
- Explain what is lost, marginalized, and disregarded as well as epiphanies of the Anima Mundi and the meaning in them;
- Describe the therapeutic value of finding one’s story as part of the human experience.
We here at Jung Platform want to make these programs available to anyone. If you would love to participate yet can’t pay for the full course, then please send us an email at [email protected] and describe why you feel you qualify for a scholarship, how much you can pay, and what you will do to help the Jung Platform promote this and other programs.
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