The soul in personality disorders
We see people everyday who we might describe as obsessive, depressed, or narcissistic. Yet, might there be a purpose and an innate intelligence in these psychological manifestations?
In this course, Jungian analyst Lionel Corbett, will explore various types of psychopathology. Corbett will demonstrate how major character disorders, such as psychotic states, paranoia, and narcissism, are expressed and experienced. He will also examine the approaches of different psychological schools to these disorders. The emphasis will be on Carl Jung’s profound insights into the purpose and meaning within the psyche, and the psyche’s attempt at self-healing in psychological illnesses.
Gain a deeper understanding of psychopathology with a depth perspective through Lionel Corbett’s expert guidance.
4 Class Course
90 min
What you will receive
4 Videos & 4 Audio recordings
Accurate Closed Captions
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Course Description
In this course, Dr. Lionel Corbett draws from decades of psychoanalytic experience to discuss various forms of psychopathology. He combines his medical training, and understanding of Jungian psychology to dive deep into the soul and its troubling manifestations.
Corbett distinguishes between the medical model and the depth psychology perspective. He will first explore the biases in mainstream psychology and biological psychiatry which often view disorders such as depression and schizophrenia as merely biochemical imbalances in the brain. The depth psychology perspective, however, seeks to understand why these disorders form and what purpose they might serve.
The depth psychological perspective posits that the psyche is innately intelligent and purposeful. Disorders are seen as both protective and isolating. In Jung’s view, symptoms have a purpose; they are not merely reactions to past events or recent experiences. A symptom aims to move the personality in a particular direction, important for the individual’s personal growth and unfolding. There is an attempt at self-healing within the symptom and disorder. Dr. Lionel Corbett will explore these self-healing attempts across various disorders.
Dr. Lionel Corbett will also explore how people experience personality disorders, both in themselves and in others. We all encounter some degree of anxiety, depression, paranoia, and even psychopathy; these experiences only become disorders when they become extreme. By understanding these manifestations and recognizing their intelligence and purpose, we will learn more about ourselves and develop greater empathy and understanding for others.
This course is ideal if :
- You want to develop a depth-psychological perspective on psychopathology and learn about the hidden or unconscious facets of the human psyche.
- You want to learn to recognize features of personality disorders in yourself as well as in people around you like family members, coworkers, acquaintances and friends.
- You are working with people in a clinical setting or if you are an interested layman.
- You want to find purpose and coherence in psychopathology.
Course Overview
Class One: Introduction to the Depth Psychological view of Psychopathology
In this class Lionel discusses the biochemical model of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). He contrasts the DSM model with the Jungian view that the patient’s existential problems of living are where the disorder arises and must be met.
When does normality shade into psychopathology? How do cultural norms shape what we view as disordered? Lionel offers examples that open up these questions.
He sketches the different approaches to therapy; pre-established treatment plans versus following what emerges from the Self.
Lionel defines the terms character, temperament, personality, traits, disorder and defense.
Class Two: Depression and Anxiety Disorders
In this class Lionel explains that people who are depressed are dealing with loss of some type; real, symbolic or fantasized. Loss of a loved one, health or career are clear losses that provoke grief. Yet people can be unconscious of what’s been lost, and still be affected. We may not even take conscious notice of a dream that’s been eroded.
Lionel describes several types of depression. Empty depression results from a chronic failure of responsiveness from a child’s caregivers. Introjected depression happens when a person takes in the voices and views of a critical parent. In any case, depression is a signal that something in your life needs attention. You are being called to do or see something differently.
Lionel tells us that anxiety disorders are often mixed with depression and obsessive states.He discusses the possible origins of both specific phobias and generalized anxiety.
Class Three: Borderline, Hypomanic, Masochistic & Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders
Lionel describes the origins, characteristics and therapeutic of these disorders.
He discusses the abandonment versus engulfment fears of the borderline personality and their need for strong containment in a therapeutic alliance.
We learn that the over-cheerfulness of the hypomanic personality is a compensation for a sad inner reality.
Lionel touches on the tricky issue of people who are self-defeating, known earlier as masochists. While they don’t enjoy pain they do feel the need for self-punishment.
He presents the obsessive-compulsive personality and disorder as related to an internalized harsh parent. This person over-worries about making the wrong choice.
Class Four: Dissociative Personality Disorder & Psychopaths
Lionel shares findings about people who subjectively experience being multiple people. The various parts in one person can have different language skills, MRI results and even different allergies. He discusses the therapeutic alliance with the host and alternate personalities. Participants share their experiences with dissociative patients.
The psychopath, though often charming, has no conscience or empathy. Their only interest is in manipulating others for their own benefit. There seems to be a genetic predisposition that is triggered in a predatory family. They induce in us the terror that they felt as children. A therapeutic challenge is how to consider psychopaths without dehumanizing them, which is just what they do to their prey.
By the end of this course you will :
- Understand the deep motivations and outer expressions of character disorders, neuroses and psychoses.
- Distinguish defining characteristics of distinct psychopathologies and spot traits of the same in yourself and those around you.
- Have a sense of the subjective experience of different disorders.
- Recognize the hidden promise of healing and wholeness in psychopathology.
We here at Jung Platform want to make these programs available to anyone. If you would love to participate yet can’t pay for the full course, then please send us an email at [email protected] and describe why you feel you qualify for a scholarship, how much you can pay, and what you will do to help the Jung Platform promote this and other programs.
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