Tuition Fee $177.00

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The Compassionate Conversations Course is for those who are passionate about improving the quality of their conversations.

These times call for excellent communication skills, whether we are talking lightly about the topics we agree about, or intensely about those we don’t. Every conversation has the potential to transform our understanding and deepen our relationships.

Number of Classes

6 classes

Class Dates

June 22, 29
July 6, 13, 20, 27

Class Time

All classes start at 11am PT / 2pm ET

Class Length

90 min

What you will receive


6 Live Webinars
6 Video & 6 Audio recordings
Recommended Readings


Access to your own Jung Platform account where all the content you've purchased will be stored.

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Course Description

The Compassionate Conversations Course is for those who are passionate about improving the quality of their conversations. These times call for excellent communication skills, whether we are talking lightly about the topics we agree about, or intensely about those we don’t. Every conversation has the potential to transform our understanding and deepen our relationships.

This course is focused on up-leveling your capacity to converse more effectively with colleagues, friends, family, and groups about topics that matter.

The Compassionate Conversations Course is highly experiential, engaging participants in open dialogue and practices. These practices are designed to foster self-expression, deep listening, emotional authenticity, and to address our particularly defensive patterns, unconscious biases, and power dynamics. Most importantly, this training will awaken the qualities of self-confidence, wisdom and compassion for ourselves and others. 

We will deepen your capacity through offering new frameworks and skills, including how to use the body and breath to calm your nervous system, learning to stay present and engaged. You will explore the capacity of conflict skills to create more freedom and ease in your relationships.

Course Overview

Session One: “Conversations Evolve”

Available Now

Learning Objectives

  • Appreciating our evolutionary context, and how our ability to have difficult conversations is a part of our growth.
  • How intention guides attention, and a clear intention ensures better outcomes in conversation
  • Ground rules create the container and ensure success in conversation

Session Two: “Sameness and Differences”

Available Now

Learning Objectives

  • Creating safety through cultivating sameness and commonality
  • Understanding how difference affects our nervous system  (The fight, flight, freeze defense system)
  • How to harness differences for growth

Session Three: “Exploring Differences”

Available Now

Learning Objectives

  • How identity affects our communication.
  • Our identity determines our worldview, and our worldview is not reality. It is a view.
  • Our worldviews evolving is essential to the human maturation processes.

Session Four: “Working with Strong Emotions”

Available Now

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding the spectrum of feelings
  • How to develop emotional maturity
  • Including emotions in conversation

Session Five: “Shadow Work”

July 20 at 11am PT / 2pm ET

Learning Objectives

  • A discussion of the ego
  • What Jung meant by shadow
  • How shadow can be a factor in the success of conversation

Session Six: “In It Together”

July 27 at 11am PT / 2pm ET

Learning Objectives

  • Conversational skills require practice and repetition
  • Our tolerance for making mistakes grows
  • We develop relationships with others who are also practicing

You will enjoy this workshop if:

  • Learn new and better conversation skills
  • Engage with people who have a different point of view
  • Learn how to deal with the pain of not being understood and stay connected in the relationship
  • Deepen the relationship with other and self


We here at Jung Platform want to make these programs available to anyone. If you would love to participate yet can’t pay for the full course, then please send us an email at [email protected] and describe why you feel you qualify for a scholarship, how much you can pay, and what you will do to help the Jung Platform promote this and other programs.

The Jung Platform Guarantee

We stand by our programs. If within 30 days of your purchase or the live course start, you're not satisfied, we offer a replacement or a full refund.

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