Hear and heed the wisdom of your body
Few people are better fit to lead a series on the body as Tina Stromsted. In over 4-decades of clinical practice, one of her core guiding passions has been to reclaim body-wisdom.
In these hour-long interviews with Jung Platform founder Machiel Klerk, Tina traverses rich Jungian territory. She brings together three core Jungian areas of interest: dreams, the shadow and the creative spirit. She situates the body firmly at the center of her explorations. Recalling James Hillman, Tina reminds us that the body is the vessel in which all transformation takes place.
In her gentle and graceful manner, Tina shows us how to listen to the deep wisdom of our bodies.
3 Class Course
60 min
What you will receive
3 Video & 3 Audio recordings
PDF Companion Guide
Access to your own Jung Platform account where all the content you've purchased will be stored.
Course Description
“Our journey through life is encoded in our bodies just as the rings of a tree encode the life-story of that tree” -Tina Stromsted
Drawing from decades of experience as a Jungian analyst and Somatic, Dance and Movement therapist, Tina Stromsted turns us to the innate genius of our bodies.
Tina starts by teaching us how to use our bodies to get in touch with the healing and creative energies present in our dreams. She shows us how to connect with our dreams and dream characters through embodiment & movement. She then focuses on how the Shadow manifests itself in the body. She explores how we can access and work with these embodied Shadow states. Lastly, creativity, she says, is the ‘divine child’ within us. Our body, the temple holding this creativity inside it, dreams of the potential yet to come. She guides us on the path to realizing this potential. In each of the interviews, Tina shares beautiful stories, both personal and of her clients, that bring these ideas to life.
Tina compassionately reminds us that it is never too late to turn our attention to our bodies. Often traumas or external messages & events freeze us out of our bodies. This happens even without our knowing. Tina suggests that the thawing can happen whenever we are ready.
Come join Tina and Machiel on the rewarding journey of coming home to the body!
These interviews were first presented at Jung Platform’s summits Dreams and Your Personal Journey, Engage the Shadow and Embody your Creative Spirit.
This course is ideal if
- Explore dreams, the shadow and creativity from an embodied perspective.
- Learn tools and perspectives that can help you live more from the needs and knowledge of the body.
- Learn how the body and natural movement can give expression to the unconscious.
- Understand the place of the body in your individuation process.
Course Overview
Class 1: Dreams and the Body
Tina starts by sharing her own personal journey with dreams. She takes us back to the roots of her technique of DreamDancing®, in her childhood. Her vivid examples illustrate how this method comes to life in her practice. She encourages us to bring play into our engagement with our dreams. She leaves us with tips on how to enrich our lives with dream-insights by using/including our bodies. Enjoy an exercise with Tina!
Class 2: Shadow and the Body
Tina explores the different layers of the individual and collective Shadow. We see how the body is an instrument that both carries the shadow as well as helps us work through the shadow. The shadow can be our “way-in” to our wounds. Tina helps us with where to start when working with our shadow. We learn the importance of embodying our shadow. She touches on what happens when we cannot or do not engage in shadow work.
Class 3: Creativity and the Body
Tina suggests that creativity is our birthright. Our whole body is tremendously creative. If we can drop down into our bodies, it can help us welcome the new. It can open us up to the deep gardens of creativity within us. We see how when the living body and psyche come together, we access profound creativity. We experience this first-hand as Tina guides us through an amazing embodied exercise!
By the end of this course you will
- Discover an embodied method of working with dreams.
- Deepen your understanding of the Shadow in relation to the body.
- Learn how the body can be crucial in opening us up to or blocking us from our innate creativity.
- Be moved to feel and honor your body.
We here at Jung Platform want to make these programs available to anyone. If you would love to participate yet can’t pay for the full course, then please send us an email at [email protected] and describe why you feel you qualify for a scholarship, how much you can pay, and what you will do to help the Jung Platform promote this and other programs.
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