Re-Inhabiting the Body & Nourishing the Soul
After months of sheltering in place, it was exciting to see people enjoying meals together in make-shift sidewalk cafés, masks and all. With restrictions beginning to lift, we found ways to adapt to safety concerns while maintaining our spirits.
Talking to Tina
As a little girl, when there was tension in the home, Tina Stromsted would slip out the house into the field next door, and dance. As she twirled and swooped and breathed in the rhythms of Nature, she was able to release her anxiety to the winds, and ground herself enough to straighten her small back, and return to her family.
Navigating Change: The Craft of Bewilderment
The old Greeks tell us that Destiny (ananke) grabs us by the scruff of the neck and spins us around. We have to suddenly face the utterly unexpected. What do we do then?
A Ritual of Forgiveness
As we carry wounds of resentment, bad feelings and thoughts of revenge within us, over time they can corrode our thinking and our general feeling of well-being.
Immigrant Debacle
There are so many conflicting opinions, thoughts, diatribes and, yes, even support for what is taking place at our borders that as of this writing, seems an insurmountable problem of humanitarian aid and treatment of so many seeking a better world.
The Feminine Erotic Soul: Source of Creativity & Healing
Why is the feminine erotic soul important for men and women today? Feminine and masculine are beyond gender. We all have some balance of masculine and feminine qualities no matter what our sexual orientation.
Conversation in a Digital Age: The Core of Civilization
True conversation is one of those rare win-win human delights. Not winners and losers.
The Beneficent Gift of Blessing
As we all continue to adjust to a growing atmosphere of uncertainty, anxieties and worries about what’s next in the political and economic spheres, I came across a book in my library that I had forgotten having purchased…
What is Mything in Your Life?
It is unfortunate that in our current world the word “myth” is still maligned as something that is a lie, untrue, and opposed to “fact.”
Introduction to the series on Myth and Culture
The series of blogs that I am writing has as their major focus of interest both myth and culture.
How do we morph?
The dust storm swirls about and my facial mask tastes like sandstone. The sun burns down as music honk-honks all around with an occasional thub-thub. Depending who you are this…
On Mystical Love – A Glance at the Writings of Ghazali and the Poetry of Rumi
Jalal-Al-Din Mohammad of Balkh, a respected Persian Islamic scholar, fell in love with Shams, a dervish, and became Rumi (Molana). The inspiration for the transformation of an earthly love to…