Three Archetypes You’re Likely to Meet as a Mother
Carl Jung coined the term “archetype” to refer to innate patterns of human experience. Images of such patterns can be found in myths, fairy tales, and other ancient stories. When we have children, we find ourselves living out one of the great archetypes – that of The Mother. Mothering is an enormously complex psychological experience. It confronts us with a range of emotions that we might not encounter elsewhere in our lives.
Keeping Appointments
According to Hollis our individuation process is indeed our calling, it is that which serves the soul, not the world around us. Discernment and the courage to risk will help us find the answers to the Big Question: What is wanting to express through me? What is wanting to enter the world through me?
The Eco-Heroine’s Journey
For a good number of centuries now, Western civilisation has been living according to a myth founded on a belief in humanity’s dominion over nature, along with the relentless pursuit of unending growth. We have become separate from the world around us; we’ve abandoned our roots in nature and the land. In Western societies we are seeing more calls for a return to native wisdom and they are deeply rooted in the heart of our own native landscapes.
Experience What is Implicit
In any good crossing, the cumulative effect is always greater than the sum of its constituent parts, and I have found this to be the case in combining Jungian and Focusing-oriented therapy. The methods complement, enrich and deepen each other: Gendlin brings experiential depth and ‘life-forward’ movement with his focus on the body, while Jung brings imaginative richness and numinosity with his deep fascination with the image.
The Fearsome Creature in the Mirror
Cast upon this planet so many aeons ago, imperiled, sensitive, semi-conscious, and vulnerable, humankind learned fear. Their fears were not imagined; their perils were real as ours remain.If Jung is right, then the fear that I would have to face is not in my opponent, or my neighbor; it is in me, the one who stares back from the mirror.
Open Your Heart for Love
Learning about the barriers we’ve built against pain and love is how a heartbreaking experience can serve as a valuable teacher. By accepting the invitations of heartbreak, we learn about ourselves, about letting go and allowing renewal to take place so that we open ourselves up for love again.’ What are some of these inner barriers that we construct to protect ourselves against pain?
What Dating a Narcissist Revealed About Me and My Path
The moment we recognize how we limit ourselves, we begin to make space for our authentic and creative being to come through. Being a Jungian psychology-lover at heart, I believe it is useful to look at our romantic relationships—they carry vital information about ourselves and often reflect something about ourselves that we are unaware of. It is then useful to ask: What does the other reveal about myself?’ Read More.
Focusing, Dreamwork and Zebra-Striped Shoes
Imagine you have just awakened from a delicious dream. Before you get up and start your day, might you be tempted to linger in the dreamscape a little longer? This may be exactly what the dream is asking of you – to savor the embodied experience the dream brings as it envelopes you in the felt sense of its world.’ What happens when we attend to this felt sense? Read more.
Living Mythically: Opening Imagination
If we learn how to gaze into myth, into metaphors, into archetypal ideas, we can glean extraordinarily rich insights about our own lives and the world around us. If you tell a mythic story, hear it, taste it, revel in it, it will reveal what it is about for you in that particular moment. Every time you brush up against a myth, a metaphor, an archetype, it will tell you something different.
Creating Art out of Your Dreams
Your dream journal can help you to heal your relationships with your families, your community, your world and your Self. It can guide you to see the mythic dimensions of your life and show you that your stories are vastly larger than you ever thought.’ How does the simple act of recording & engaging with your dreams through writing, help tap into the immense wisdom and creative power that your nighttime visions hold?
Jungian Psychology and Phenomenology
A golden thread running through Robert Romanyshyn’s teaching, is that of wonderment. Of seeing, as if for the first time, the miracle in the mundane. Of being in a love affair with the world. Amongst others, he uses trees to illustrate how something as simple as sunlight filtering through branches and leaves, or being absolutely quiet to hear the whispering of trees, can be an impetus to being soulfully in the world.
Why You Hate How You Sound on Voicemail
‘We identify with our voices and assume they reflect our carefully constructed persona. When they don’t, we are often left feeling vulnerable, embarrassed, and disoriented. Our voices are the primary bridge between our internal landscape and the outside world. Long before we learn to speak, we send signals out to the world through our voices. The response that we receive begins forming our fundamental assumptions about who we are and how the world around us works.’ Can shifts made in our voice impact the rest of our life?